Sum of Three Factories

The project is not about designing a building as an object, but rather about organizing buildings and programs to think about the space between them. This project has an arrangement of three buildings, the storage in the center (the one with exposed concrete) the main bread factory (the one on the right side of the storage with reflecting glass), and the testing lab (the one on the left side, also with reflecting glass). The three boxes were to amply the visitors' sense of arrival, as the building program demanded that general public could visit the 'in-between' spaces of these buildings. After arrival, they can observe the automated process when bread called "Jeju Pie" is baked and made into a product. In contrast to most of the visitors' spaces that are integrated within the building interior, these buildings are separated according to their distinctive singular programs: Baking Factory, Storage, and Testing Lab. The arrangement makes the outdoor space for public visit around the pond, which is the 'in- between' space. The 'reflecting pond' along with those "boxes" with mirror glazed facades plays a role not simply as an integrating element of the programs and buildings, but more as a 'container' for registering change of natural surroundings and bringing it into each building. The pond and skewed façades of the buildings hold delicate environs of both diurnal and seasonal changes within the beautiful tangerine orchard, and reflect the ambience emanated from the sub-tropical sky and the ocean.
